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 Opening Leads against No-trumps 6 by Paul Bowyer

We continue with a series on opening leads against No-trumps.

You are always South, on lead to East's contract.

In this section the bidding plays an important part in telling you what to lead (or, rather, what not to lead).

In this series partner gives you no help with an overcall or an opening bid. So, you must listen in to the opponents.

Question 1

  Your Hand
 A J 4
 Q 10 6 3 2
 10 9 8
 6 3
Q: 1 - You are South, on lead to 3NT after the opponents have reached 3NT.

Given the bidding, what is your choice of lead?

 Your choice:
A: The 10.

Under normal circumstances, with no other indication, you would lead a Heart against 3NT. However, on this occasion East has bid them.

It is usually losing strategy to lead the opponents’ suits as you won’t be able to set the small cards up.

Best here is to find a passive lead and the 10 fits the bill nicely.

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Open Question

Question 2

  Your Hand
 J 9 7 4
 8 6 4
 A 10 7 3
 K 9
Q: 2 - You are South, on lead to 3NT after the opponents have reached 3NT.

Given the bidding, what is your choice of lead?

 Your choice:
A: The 6.

The opposition have bid both of your long suits; as in Q1, there is little point in leading something in which the enemy have good holdings.

Thus, a Spade or a Diamond lead on this hand is a no-no. Best is to find a passive lead and on this hand that means leading a Heart.

The 6 (second-highest from trash) is as good as anything here.

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Open Question

Question 3

  Your Hand
 9 7 2
 J 9 5 3
 K J 8 3
 J 6
Q: 3 - You are South, on lead to 3NT after the opponents have reached 3NT.

Given the bidding, what is your choice of lead?

 Your choice:
A: The 7.

The hand on your right has Hearts and Diamonds and the hand on your left has about 10-11 points with Club length. There is no point in leading a red card, that looks likely to be to East's benefit.

Best, as in the previous question, is to go passive and lead the unbid suit, a Spade. Once again, the style is to lead the second-highest card from garbage (HIGH for HATE, LOW for LIKE).

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Open Question

Question 4

  Your Hand
 J 7 2
 J 9 5 3
 K J 8 3
 J 6
Q: 4 - You are South, on lead to 3NT after the opponents have reached 3NT.

Given the bidding, what is your choice of lead?

 Your choice:
A: The 2.

This follows the same logic as the previous question. As before, there is no point in leading a red card, that looks likely to help declarer rather than the defense.

Best is to lead the unbid suit, a Spade. From an honor you should lead low, so the right card is the Deuce. Sure, partner could well be fooled and assume you have four of them, but that can't be helped.

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Open Question

Question 5

  Your Hand
 K 10 8 4
 J 10
 K 9 7 6
 Q 6 4
Q: 5 - You are South, on lead to 3NT after the opponents have reached 3NT.

Given the bidding, what is your choice of lead?

 Your choice:
A: The J.

The hand on your left has a lot of Spades and East, to your right, has bid Diamonds and Clubs. Best, once again, here is to lead the unbid suit – Hearts. Perhaps partner has the suit well held, perhaps this is just a good passive lead.

As opening leads, Diamonds and Clubs are real no-nos.

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